Click on EVENTS to find out more for future MEN's Ministry Events.

The purpose of the Ladies Ministries of The Sanctuary is to give support to our ladies and encourage them to have fellowship one with another. Also to integrate ladies new to our congregation helping them to better become acquainted with the church body. This will bring greater unity and support for each other and better equip us as our church grows. It is our desire that we can help our ladies reach out to those who are looking for a life-changing relationship with Jesus like they themselves have experienced so we can all do our part in helping to grow God’s kingdom.
The ladies at The Sanctuary have enjoyed passed fellowship meetings, shopping trips, Ladies Conferences, and much more. Ladies Ministry & Fellowships are for ladies ages 18 an up.
Click on EVENTS to find out more for future Ladies Ministry Events.
The ladies at The Sanctuary have enjoyed passed fellowship meetings, shopping trips, Ladies Conferences, and much more. Ladies Ministry & Fellowships are for ladies ages 18 an up.
Click on EVENTS to find out more for future Ladies Ministry Events.

Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, Before the difficult days come, And the years draw near when you say, “I have no pleasure in them:”
(Ecclesiastes 12:1)
The Word of God admonishes us to serve our Creator, the Lord Jesus, beginning in the days of our youth. With that directive in mind, it is the job of the Youth Ministry department at The Sanctuary to equip our young people to blossom in their relationship with God, eventually finding their roles of service to the kingdom of God. The age focus of the Youth Ministry department at The Sanctuary is ages 12-25. We endeavor to create an inviting environment for youth to develop in their relationship with God by organizing various youth fellowship events and youth services, designed specifically to minister to the thoughts, concerns, and challenges facing the youth of today.
The apostle Paul wrote to young Timothy, “Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity” (I Timothy 4:12). Because age shouldn’t be a hindrance, but rather an asset, to serving the will of God, the Youth Ministry department invites all young people to work with us to develop their futures in Christ.
Whatever God’s purpose is for any young person’s life, we at The Sanctuary will work together with them to discover it – and to grow in it also.
Click on EVENTS to find out more for future Youth Ministry Events.
(Ecclesiastes 12:1)
The Word of God admonishes us to serve our Creator, the Lord Jesus, beginning in the days of our youth. With that directive in mind, it is the job of the Youth Ministry department at The Sanctuary to equip our young people to blossom in their relationship with God, eventually finding their roles of service to the kingdom of God. The age focus of the Youth Ministry department at The Sanctuary is ages 12-25. We endeavor to create an inviting environment for youth to develop in their relationship with God by organizing various youth fellowship events and youth services, designed specifically to minister to the thoughts, concerns, and challenges facing the youth of today.
The apostle Paul wrote to young Timothy, “Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity” (I Timothy 4:12). Because age shouldn’t be a hindrance, but rather an asset, to serving the will of God, the Youth Ministry department invites all young people to work with us to develop their futures in Christ.
Whatever God’s purpose is for any young person’s life, we at The Sanctuary will work together with them to discover it – and to grow in it also.
Click on EVENTS to find out more for future Youth Ministry Events.

The purpose of the Children’s Ministry is to build everlasting links directly between the children we serve and the God who loves them. Jesus said it best in Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (NKJV). Through both the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, we aim to instruct, lift up, lead, and propel our children into the future that Jesus Christ has divinely planned for them.
Our Sunday Morning Bible classes are divided into age-appropriate groupings to teach solid, Biblical foundations to children of every age. Our Children's Ministry Team also holds themed Christmas and Easter celebrations, talent shows, and family outings all designed to add the element of Godly fun into the children’s lives.
We thank you for the opportunity to serve your children by the will of God!
Click on EVENTS to find out more for future Children's Ministry Events.
Our Sunday Morning Bible classes are divided into age-appropriate groupings to teach solid, Biblical foundations to children of every age. Our Children's Ministry Team also holds themed Christmas and Easter celebrations, talent shows, and family outings all designed to add the element of Godly fun into the children’s lives.
We thank you for the opportunity to serve your children by the will of God!
Click on EVENTS to find out more for future Children's Ministry Events.

Click on EVENTS to find out more for future Mission's Ministry Events.

The purpose of New Destiny is to provide love, compassion, and guidance to those who desire to have a deep understanding and a deeper love for the Word of God. Anyone who desires to serve the Lord with all their heart, soul, and mind, is someone who needs to have others surrounding them with prayer and kindness. We need each other. We need to assist the church to move forward together, into a deeper understanding and love for where God wants to bring us, individually and together.
New Destiny provides opportunities for Bible Studies, Connection Calls, and Outings for the whole family.
Click on EVENTS to find out more for future New Destiny Ministry Events.
New Destiny provides opportunities for Bible Studies, Connection Calls, and Outings for the whole family.
Click on EVENTS to find out more for future New Destiny Ministry Events.

The purpose of the music ministry is to bring praise and worship to Jesus by the way of song and playing of instruments. We encourage congregational participation as we lift our voices together in song - - Praising Jesus.
Psalms 100 tells us to “make a joyful noise unto the LORD” and “come before His presence with singing”. We have a love and passion to worship Jesus! We are inspired to lift our hands in worship and clap our hands, in our own personal response to show love and thankfulness to Jesus during the worship service. Jesus loves to hear the praises of His people.
You are sincerely invited to join us in worship, for you to feel and experience the presence of Jesus. As we together magnify Jesus and prepare our hearts and minds to receive the preaching of the Word of God.
Click on EVENTS to find out more for future Music Ministry Events.
Psalms 100 tells us to “make a joyful noise unto the LORD” and “come before His presence with singing”. We have a love and passion to worship Jesus! We are inspired to lift our hands in worship and clap our hands, in our own personal response to show love and thankfulness to Jesus during the worship service. Jesus loves to hear the praises of His people.
You are sincerely invited to join us in worship, for you to feel and experience the presence of Jesus. As we together magnify Jesus and prepare our hearts and minds to receive the preaching of the Word of God.
Click on EVENTS to find out more for future Music Ministry Events.
Contact Us
The Sanctuary
Pastor Jonathan Howe
123 Derry Road
PO Box 623
Hudson, NH 03051

Church Provides
- Friendly Welcome
- Welcoming the presence of Jesus
into each and every church service.
- The Whole and Complete Word of God is preached.
- Lively Praise and Worship
- Ministries for the Men, Ladies, Youth, Children, Families